The Wild Librarian

"You see, I don't believe that libraries should be drab places where people sit in silence, and that's been the main reason for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians." --Gorilla Librarian sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus TV Show, Episode 10

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Location: East Coast, United States

A curious librarian seeking knowledge and adventure in an Univeristy Library setting.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Construction: a meeting

I went to a meeting to discuss the impending project to replace the roof of our library. I figured that this would be a standard boring meeting. Go over the project plan, get an idea of its scope and duration, boring, boring, boring.

How surprised was I when this meeting seemingly began as a standard business meeting and then entered the world of psycho land. The female director for the environmental department was a little over the top. She single handedly turned this meeting into a roller coaster ride of emotions. And all for no reason other than she has the attention span of a gnat and the fire of an irate ant colony. Everything was taken a la Chicken Little, I had moments where I seriously began to wonder if she actually lacked rationality.

As the meeting went on I began to have thoughts like 'Gee, I wonder how this nutcase got this job? She really seems to have some issues here, and she's a Director. That's impressive. I bet she really scared the pants off someone. She can really work that bully factor nicely'

'I wonder if I could have her come work the desk to deal with all the jerkos, she'd make 'em sweat. We could save her for the real trouble making patrons, bring her out like a secret weapon.'

The meeting was over in an hour, but felt like plural. Nothing accomplished, just felt stressed, for no reason. Damn that woman. She totally has some power.


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