The Wild Librarian

"You see, I don't believe that libraries should be drab places where people sit in silence, and that's been the main reason for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians." --Gorilla Librarian sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus TV Show, Episode 10

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Location: East Coast, United States

A curious librarian seeking knowledge and adventure in an Univeristy Library setting.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

How I fixed the printer

Our laser printer has been acting up this week. The patrons have never been pleased with its slow processing of documents (because waiting more than 1 minute would be too long). I think that if you consider its age the printer does quite well. But that's not good enough.

On Tuesday afternoon, I'm not sure how or why it happened, but the paper tray was not locking in properly. My student tried her hardest to get the tray to close but it kept popping out. She came to my door looking quite ruffled. I didn't know what to expect since she happens to be one of my best. I have no idea how long she fiddled with it until she came looking for me, but considering the sweat on her brow, it must have been a while of wrangling.

As I emerged from my office I observed an unusually large crowd of students, unhappy students. I approached the printer I was feeling a tad pressured. All the people watching and me hoping, wondering how I would, rather, if I could fix the printer. I removed the tray and inspected it, I was wondering why it wouldn't close. Then I noticed that the button you have to push in to unlock and release the tray was stuck/jammed into the handle. 'Brilliant' I thought. I flipped the tray over and found that the lock was stuck and just needed to be un-stuck. Using my index finger I gave the tray bottom a tap, the lock un-clicked and the handle released. I slid the tray back into the printer and all was well.

Yea! I'm the hero!

So today the printer had the same jammed handle. I was in a meeting all morning which made for a very stressful period of time for the service desk staff. (I forgot to show the others the trick) Due to the high stress and demand the computer lab coordinator sent an email stating that the tray was not working and to instruct patrons to print to another printer. Upon reading the message I went to fix the tray.

Afterwards I went to share the secret to our computer tech. I told him that I fixed the printer. He was very eager to hear my secret. So I said "I gave the tray a little tap on its bottom put it back in the printer and it closed." I went on to explain what was stuck. He handed me his tools and offered me his desk and job. Stating "Geez I don't see any reason for me to work here." He felt embarrassed saying "Yeah thinking about the obvious would never cross the mind of a tech."
We joked that all the essential tools for an IT person are: duct tape, hammer and screw drivers.

All joking aside our computer tech is awesome, and he does incredible things, when of course there are not 20+ angry patrons crowding around the printer.


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