The Wild Librarian

"You see, I don't believe that libraries should be drab places where people sit in silence, and that's been the main reason for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians." --Gorilla Librarian sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus TV Show, Episode 10

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Location: East Coast, United States

A curious librarian seeking knowledge and adventure in an Univeristy Library setting.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Book of the Week: Some Wore Bobby Sox : The Emergence of Teenage Girls' Culture, 1920-1945 (Girls' History and Culture) by: Kelly Schrum

Society has been set on images of teenage girls in poodle skirts during the 1950's as being the beginning of teenage girl-dom. Author Kelly Schrum focuses on the economic power of teenage American girls beginning after WW I. Through her research she discovered that teenage girls have been swooning over movie stars and using their allowances to buy the latest make-up and fashions for years.

It wasn't until after WW I that a teenage identity arose in America and that's when the consumer culture became geared toward teens, focusing on females. Fashion, beauty, music and movies became the high school girl's fixation and both consumed and influenced what manufacturers, marketers, and retailers offered to them. She examined national trends and individual teen lives and compared the relationship between consumer culture and the teenage girl's ability to select, accept, reject and appropriate consumer goods.

I enjoyed looking at all the illustrations. There were wonderful ads from catalogs and high school year books. Some of the products are still around!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Wiki or Wookiee which will suit your needs?

Both are for technology lovers. But I ask which is more effective for you?

I like the idea of having an editable database for setting up training or information sharing. Enhancing the system of communicating between staff and fellow librarians is something I entirely support. A Wiki certainly has a place in libraries and other work settings. I must venture into this new territory.

The StarWars databank on Wookiees defines them as:"intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting. Loyalty and bravery are near-sacred tenets in Wookiee society. When peaceful, Wookiees are tender and gentle. Their tempers, however, are short; when angered, Wookiees can fly into a berserker rage and will not stop until the object of their distemper is sufficiently destroyed. "

Having a Wookiee on staff could be very useful. I could use the extra help moving large book trucks, keeping the abusive patrons in line and to assist with the shooing of late night studying students out of the library at closing time. I like the idea of having a trustworthy technology loving noisy beast around the library.

Maybe I should call my buddy Hans....

Friday, February 18, 2005

Book of the Week: You're Hired How to Succeed in Business and Life By: Bill Rancic

Bill Rancic was the first to win on the reality TV show The Apprentice, in which Donald Trump (who provides a foreword) slowly eliminates potential personal assistants until one is left standing. Throughout this book Bill Rancic covers the strategy he used to win. He never went to business school and he credits part of his success in The Apprentice on his ability to rely on his observations and common sense and the close relationships he built. He shares advice gleaned from family members or co-collaborators along with insight gained from reading of how-tos.

I was hoping for a little more, I was seeking more on management and leadership and this clearly is not the book for that. If you followed the television program you may enjoy this book more than I did. I didn't have much interest in the program which may have negatively influenced my opinion of this book.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


For the last time we are not a book store,, eBay or magical land of books you need right now. For heaven's sake do patrons understand that? If the book is checked out we very well can't just clone an additional copy for you.

And why didn't you buy your class textbook? Oh yes I remember you're too cheap to invest in a book that your prof assigns daily readings and bases the test on.

Stressed students. Ugh.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Chocolate Seeking Students

Our students are have serious chocolate cravings today. I brought in 2 bags of Dove chocolates, cutely shaped hearts. I kid you not. I placed the chocolates in a basket at the service desk at 10:30am and by 11:15am there were 3 pieces left! What on earth is going on today?

Friday, February 11, 2005

Book of the Week: Life al Dente: Laughter and Love in an Italian-American Family by: Gina Cascone

Gina Cascone is an author I recently discovered. I tend to choose light hearted books. I like to wind down my day with a laugh and this book was perfect. After a long and stressful day this was a great book to read.

Gina tells the story of her life as the first-born child in an Italian-American Catholic family cursed with only girls. ("cursed" as her father would say, he wanted a son.) She acknowledges the traumas young girls go through during puberty and the high school experience stating we've all felt the same way. Teenage angst is universal. Her incredible sense of humor and endless love for her family is evident throughout the book. She recognizes that her family members have quirks and she loves every one of them for their unique ways. For the most part this book is funny, she goes to great lengths to describe in crystal clear detail the crazy scenarios her father often got himself into. As with every family story there are moments that are not funny and that's what makes this such a great book. (Along with some family recipe's.) It's a lovely balance.

Life is easier to laugh at in retrospect.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Book Hunt

Why do patrons feel the need to hide books? Is it some sort of childish competitive game? I have been finding all sorts of "missing" books lately. They have been stuffed in every place imaginable. I usually have to go one a hunt when there's an exam coming. That is when the students get really fussy and do all sorts of silly things, like hide a book in the false ceiling thinking the library staff will never find it. This makes me wonder of places I haven't thought about. Time to get creative.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Book of the Week: A Gathering of Angels by:Katherine Valentine

This a nice little read. When I was browsing for books at my local library I came across this book. At first I wasn't sure if Id' like this book. I tend to stray from religious based fiction and since it is a sequel I was hesitant to read this out of sequence. I'm glad I decided to read this very enjoyable book. After reading the first chapter I found that I couldn't put it down. I love it when I find a book that creates that childhood excitement.

This book is about a group of nuns and the community they serve in a small Connecticut town called Dorsetville. In the first novel the Daughters of the Immaculate Conception were working on opening a retirement home for priests and nuns. This book focused on the finalization and opening of their retirement home. The author has created a small little community of people that are dynamic and likeable. All throughout the story a series of small miracles linked to a simple blue rosary helped bring the community together. What a great fun book.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Annoying things I do

Don't you hate it when you wear a nice suit and you stupidly spill coffee down your front? Ugh. Get the coffee in the mouth not on the suit! And that's why I need the coffee, or need to give it up. I don't know. I'm seriously in need of some caffeine, my function-ability has become an all time low this week.